2. 500 billion - 500 miliardow ton kamieni wpadnie do morza jeśli wulkan się zapadnie
3. 800 - odleglosc w km z jaka fala bedzie sie przemieszczac we wszystkich kierunkach
4. 90 - wysokość fali w metrach
5. 8 - liczba godzin po ilu fala dojdzie do wschodniego wybrzeza ameryki
1. The scientists are worried about The Cumbre Vieja because the walls of the volcano are getting weaker.
2. The wave will reach the African coast in less an hour
3. Because the volcano faces west, across the Atlantic Ocean and it would protect Europe a little
4. It would have 12 meters
5.It would travel for several kilometres inland because the coast is very flat.
6. Scientists want to put better equipment on Cumbre Vieja.
1. huge, enormous
2. devastate, destroy
1. destruction - destroy
2. devastation - devastate
3. eruption - erupts
4. prediction - predict
5. protection - protect
If The Volcano collapsed about 500 billion tonnes of rocks will fall into the sea creating a huge tsunami. Tsunami will travel for several kilometers inland and devastating towns and villages. It will destroy everything on its way and killing thousands of peaople. We know what will happen when it collapsed but we do not know when it exactly will be.
1. Japan
2. Italy
3. Indonesia
4. Mexico
1. False
2. True
3. False
1. 6 - glebokosc wody obok wulkanu)
2. 500 billion - 500 miliardow ton kamieni wpadnie do morza jeśli wulkan się zapadnie
3. 800 - odleglosc w km z jaka fala bedzie sie przemieszczac we wszystkich kierunkach
4. 90 - wysokość fali w metrach
5. 8 - liczba godzin po ilu fala dojdzie do wschodniego wybrzeza ameryki
1. The scientists are worried about The Cumbre Vieja because the walls of the volcano are getting weaker.
2. The wave will reach the African coast in less an hour
3. Because the volcano faces west, across the Atlantic Ocean and it would protect Europe a little
4. It would have 12 meters
5.It would travel for several kilometres inland because the coast is very flat.
6. Scientists want to put better equipment on Cumbre Vieja.
1. huge, enormous
2. devastate, destroy
1. destruction - destroy
2. devastation - devastate
3. eruption - erupts
4. prediction - predict
5. protection - protect
If The Volcano collapsed about 500 billion tonnes of rocks will fall into the sea creating a huge tsunami. Tsunami will travel for several kilometers inland and devastating towns and villages. It will destroy everything on its way and killing thousands of peaople. We know what will happen when it collapsed but we do not know when it exactly will be.