PILNE odpowiedz na pytania na podstawie tekstu poniżej
This man is a beekeeper. He has got 20 beehives. Every day he visits his bees. It is important that the bees are healthy and happy. The bees are sometimes ill or angry and then they don’t make honey, so this beekeeper is always calm and patient. He doesn’t want to scare the bees. Bees are hard-working insects. Some bees stay in the beehive with the babies. Other bees leave the beehive and collect nectar from flowers. Then they give it to their family in the beehive. Guess Nectar is bees’ food. What? There is only one mother in a beehive. She is the queen bee and she has When a bee comes back got many babies. pytania 1 co robi ten człowiek każdego dnia 2czy pszczoły robią zawsze miod. 3.czy czasem pszczelarzy bywa zły 4.czy pszczoły zapalają każdy kwiat 5.czy nektar jest pożywieniem pszczół