PILNE !! Napisz e-mail do koleżanki z ławki po angielsku (minimum 100 słòw ,BEZ TŁUMACZA )
napisz: - ze świetnie bawisz się obecnie w Anglii - ze zatrzymałaś sie u swoich krewnych którzy mieszkają na przedmieściach londynu i posiadają swój własny hotel - napisz ze w dni powszednie uczęszczasz na kurs jezyka angielskiego - napisz ze sądzisz duże postępy ponieważ korzystasz z okazji żeby non stop mówić po angielsku - napisz ze twoi nauczyciele twierdzą ze twòj angielski jest lepszy niż kiedy przyjechałałas do Anglii - natomiast w weekendy zazwyczaj pomagasz swojej rodzinie w prowadzeniu tego hotelu i spędzasz czas na zwiedzaniu miasta
- wyraz swoją opinie ja temat brytyjczyków i kursu na który uczęszczasz
- wspomnij jaka jest obecnie pogoda w londynie i poinformuj kiedy zaplanowałas wrócić do polski
Subject: Greetings from London and Sharing My Adventures!
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. I am thrilled to share that I am having an incredible time here in England! The experience has been nothing short of magical. I am staying with my relatives who live in the suburbs of London, and they run their own charming hotel. The place has a quaint, lovely vibe, and each day brings a new adventure.
On weekdays, I am attending an English language course which has been immensely beneficial. I feel I am making significant progress as I am surrounded by native speakers which gives me an opportunity to speak English continuously. It’s amazing how immersion in a language can accelerate learning. My instructors have noticed the improvement too, and they believe my English has considerably bettered since I arrived here.
Come weekends, I usually assist my family with the hotel operations. It’s fun and rewarding at the same time. Additionally, I make it a point to explore the city and soak in as much of the British culture as I can. The architectural grandeur, the rich history, and the eclectic mix of people here are truly captivating.
About the Brits and the course, I find the people here polite and the culture quite fascinating. The course is well-structured and the tutors are very supportive, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.
The weather here has been typically English, a mix of rain and sunshine, which adds to the overall unique experience of living in London. I have planned to return to Poland on [Return Date]. I am cherishing each moment here, and I am sure there will be a lot of stories to share once I am back.
I am looking forward to catching up with you soon. Until then, take care and say hello to everyone for me!
Subject: Greetings from London and Sharing My Adventures!
Dear [Friend's Name],
I hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. I am thrilled to share that I am having an incredible time here in England! The experience has been nothing short of magical. I am staying with my relatives who live in the suburbs of London, and they run their own charming hotel. The place has a quaint, lovely vibe, and each day brings a new adventure.
On weekdays, I am attending an English language course which has been immensely beneficial. I feel I am making significant progress as I am surrounded by native speakers which gives me an opportunity to speak English continuously. It’s amazing how immersion in a language can accelerate learning. My instructors have noticed the improvement too, and they believe my English has considerably bettered since I arrived here.
Come weekends, I usually assist my family with the hotel operations. It’s fun and rewarding at the same time. Additionally, I make it a point to explore the city and soak in as much of the British culture as I can. The architectural grandeur, the rich history, and the eclectic mix of people here are truly captivating.
About the Brits and the course, I find the people here polite and the culture quite fascinating. The course is well-structured and the tutors are very supportive, making the learning process enjoyable and effective.
The weather here has been typically English, a mix of rain and sunshine, which adds to the overall unique experience of living in London. I have planned to return to Poland on [Return Date]. I am cherishing each moment here, and I am sure there will be a lot of stories to share once I am back.
I am looking forward to catching up with you soon. Until then, take care and say hello to everyone for me!
Warmest regards,
[Your Name]