2. Napisz pocztówkę z wycieczki na Safari w Afryce. Napisz jaka jest pogoda, co robisz i jakie zwierzęta już widziałeś. Opisz swoje wrażenia. ( 30- 40 słów)
Hello Ann, I am in Arfica for two days. The weather is beautiful. The sun is shining. On the sky there is no one cloud. The water in the ocean is hot!. I am driving to the museum to see bones of elephants and more fantastic things now. I saw many animals : giraffe, zebra, lion, tiger, elephant. I will tell you more when I'll return back. Greetings, Kate.
I am in Arfica for two days. The weather is beautiful. The sun is shining. On the sky there is no one cloud. The water in the ocean is hot!. I am driving to the museum to see bones of elephants and more fantastic things now. I saw many animals : giraffe, zebra, lion, tiger, elephant. I will tell you more when I'll return back.