Pierwszy Marszałek Polski urodził się w 1867 r. w Zułowie pod Wilnem, w rodzinie pielęgnującej tradycje patriotyczne W 1892 r. Piłsudski wraca na ziemie polskie i bierze udział w tworzeniu Polskiej Partii Socjalistycznej. Pod pseudonimem "Wiktor" redaguje i drukuje pismo PPS-u "Robotnik". W tym czasie żeni się z Maria Juszkiewiczową z Koplewskich. 1918 r. rodzi się Piłsudskiemu pierwsza córka Wanda Dwa lata później przychodzi na świat druga córka - Jadwiga. W latach 1919-1920 skupił się na obronie zdobytej przez Polskę niepodległości. Jako Naczelny Wódz wojsk polskich przeprowadził Piłsudski zwycięską wojnę z bolszewicką Wiosną 1935 r. u mającego od wielu lat kłopoty ze zdrowiem Marszałka stwierdzono raka wątroby. 12 maja 1935 roku Józef Piłsudski umiera. Został pochowany na Wawelu, serce zaś - zgodnie z Jego ostatnią wolą - spoczęło w grobie matki na wileńskim cmentarzu na Rossie.
First Marshal of the Polish born in 1867 in Zutow at Vilnius, in the family cultivate patriotic traditions In 1892, Pilsudski returns on Polish territory and participates in the creation of the Polish Socialist Party. Under the pen name "Victor" edits and prints the letter from the PPS-on "worker". At that time, married to Maria Juszkiewicz with Koplewskich. 1918, Pilsudski first born daughter Wanda Two years later came another daughter to the world - Hedwig. Between 1919-1920, he focused on defending the independence gained by Poland. As commander in chief of the Polish army moved Pilsudski winning the war against the Bolshevik In the spring of 1935, aimed at for many years Speaker of health problems were liver cancer. May 12, 1935 Jozef Pilsudski dies. He was buried at the Wawel Castle, the heart and - according to his last will - her mother was buried in a tomb at the cemetery in Vilnius Rossa.
In 1892, Pilsudski returns on Polish territory and participates in the creation of the Polish Socialist Party.
Under the pen name "Victor" edits and prints the letter from the PPS-on "worker".
At that time, married to Maria Juszkiewicz with Koplewskich.
1918, Pilsudski first born daughter Wanda
Two years later came another daughter to the world - Hedwig.
Between 1919-1920, he focused on defending the independence gained by Poland.
As commander in chief of the Polish army moved Pilsudski winning the war against the Bolshevik
In the spring of 1935, aimed at for many years Speaker of health problems were liver cancer.
May 12, 1935 Jozef Pilsudski dies.
He was buried at the Wawel Castle, the heart and - according to his last will - her mother was buried in a tomb at the cemetery in Vilnius Rossa.