calysta1407ndonesia is a huge country and absolutely rich. We have millions of different natural resources from the sea, forest, mining, and many more. Indonesia is predicted to be one of the developed countries which are able to take over the world. In fact, European countries often made the calculation that if the Indonesian people unite and work together to develop this country, Indonesia will become a superpower country like America or Russia.
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angsa765assalamualaikum warahmatullah hiwabarakatuh, guests who blessed gods ... how are you today? certainly good and thank God. we just returned to the theme of today's Islam is beautiful: the real religion is the religion of Islam approves of gods: as hadith hadith prophet in the Quran .semoga already tercantumkan this speech can be helpful for all of us thank you amen,, Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahhiwabarakatu