Pezebywasz na wymianie międzyszkolnej w Anglii. Organizujesz z przyjaciółmi akcję społeczną. W ogłoszeniu dla uczniów całej szkoły:
- napisz, jaką akcję organizujesz
-poproś o pomoc jak największą liczbe uczniów
- określ, jaka pomoc bedzie potrzebna
Prosze.. szybko mam to na jutro daje najjj.. ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Time to Clean Some World!
In order to keep our town clear and beautiful, we are making an action of cleaning rubbish the next Monday. It may seem to you like some useless, boring task, but don't you think we really should take care about our environment and stuff?
It would be absolutely splendid if as many of our school's student come as possible, of course. We are going to need some metal bars or rods to pick up the rubbish and certainly you should all put on some gloves but make sure you dress up warmly, though; we are starting off at morning so it may be slightly cold.
All your patronage will be highly appreciated! Please come!
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