Pandas are mammals, they have ears, mouth, legs, fur, etc. they re herbovires cause they eat Bamboo. they can be found at China
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B.indonesianya = Panda adalah seekor mamalia yang biasanya diklasifikasikan ke dalam keluarga beruang,panda adalah hewan asli dari Tiongkok tengah. Panda Besar tinggal di wilayah pegunungan . Pada abad ke-20 terakhir, panda menjadi semacam lambang negara Tiongkok, dan sekarang ditampilkan pada uang emas negara tersebut.
B.inggris = Panda is a mammal usually classified in the bear family, the panda is native of central China. The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions. In the last century 20, panda became a symbol of the Chinese nation, and now displayed on the gold coins of the country.
B.inggris = Panda is a mammal usually classified in the bear family, the panda is native of central China. The Giant Panda lives in mountainous regions. In the last century 20, panda became a symbol of the Chinese nation, and now displayed on the gold coins of the country.