Kapak genggam adalah kapak yang luarnya masih kasar dan ujungnya runcing yang terbuat dari batu yang fungsinya menggali, menusuk, dan memotong.
I think that this Kjokkenmodinger Kjokkenmoddinger is a term derived from the Danish language which means kjokken kitchen and modding means rubbish so kjokkenmoddinger real sense is the kitchen garbage. In fact kjokkenmoddinger is a heap or pile of shells and snails, which reached a height of ± 7 meters and petrified / become fossilized. Kjokkenmoddinger found along the east coast of Sumatra, namely between Langsa and Medan. Traces of these findings indicate that the ancient people who lived in this era has been settled. 1925 Dr. P.V. Van Stein Callenfels doing research on the hill and the results clams found the hand-held axes were a lot of different turns with the chopper (hand-held axes Palaeolithikum).Hand-held axes were found in the shells of the hill called the pebble or ax Sumatra (Sumatralith) in accordance with its discovery location is on the island of Sumatra. Sorry if wrong
Kjokkenmoddinger is a term derived from the Danish language which means kjokken kitchen and modding means rubbish so kjokkenmoddinger real sense is the kitchen garbage. In fact kjokkenmoddinger is a heap or pile of shells and snails, which reached a height of ± 7 meters and petrified / become fossilized. Kjokkenmoddinger found along the east coast of Sumatra, namely between Langsa and Medan. Traces of these findings indicate that the ancient people who lived in this era has been settled. 1925 Dr. P.V. Van Stein Callenfels doing research on the hill and the results clams found the hand-held axes were a lot of different turns with the chopper (hand-held axes Palaeolithikum).Hand-held axes were found in the shells of the hill called the pebble or ax Sumatra (Sumatralith) in accordance with its discovery location is on the island of Sumatra. Sorry if wrong