Jelasin dong apa arti / pengertian dari narrative text dan deskriptif Text. jelaskan juga perbedaan dari kedua text tersebut .
Narrative: to amuse, entertain and to deal with actual or various experience in different ways. narrative deal with problematic event which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind, which in turn finds 2 resolution. descriptive: to describe a particular person, place or thing
ciri kebahasaan. narrative: nouns tertentu sbg kata ganti org, hewan, dll. time connection (then, before), adverb n adverbial phrase utk tunjukkan lokasi kjadian. past tense. saying verb (said, told,)
descriptive: nouns tertentu. simple present tense. detail noun phrase utk kasi info subyek. thingking, feeling, active verb. bhsa figurative
Narrative text tujuannya adl utk menghibur pembaca (entertain/amuse the reader). tense yg digunakan adl simple past tense, dg adverb of time pd awal cerita spt once upon a time. generic structure-nya: orientation (pendahuluan yg terdiri dr siapa, kapan dan di mana), complication (masalah yg timbul), Resolution (pemecahan masalah) dan reorientation (penutup yg biasanya berisi pesan moral atau yg disebut dg coda)
descriptive text tujuannya adl utk menceritakan seseorg atau sesuatu secara detail. tensenya adl simple peresent tense dan adanya personal pronoun (I, my, Mine). generic structure-nya adl: identification and descriptions.
descriptive: to describe a particular person, place or thing
descriptive text tujuannya adl utk menceritakan seseorg atau sesuatu secara detail. tensenya adl simple peresent tense dan adanya personal pronoun (I, my, Mine). generic structure-nya adl: identification and descriptions.