PAST SIMPLE PRESENT debemos tener presente que los verbos se clasifican en regulares e irregulares Activity 05. Traduce el siguientes texto i had a great weekend. On Friday afternoon, I finished work ai 5 PM. I went home and iook a shower. Then I went to see a couple of my Tends at a bar downtown We had a couple of beers and a nice laik. Tom iclo us about his new job, and Jim told us abouí his new girlfriend. Arera while, we went to a restaurant and had pizza. I went to bed late that night, but I was very happy. On Saturday morning I went running in the park. I ran 5 kilometers, and then came home. After that, I met my giriiriend for iunch. We went to a Thai restaurant asar my house. I love Thai fooo? I speni the evening with my girlfriend, watching TV on the sofa
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