Past simple & Past continuous Tłumacznie Zdan: Kiedy przyszedłem do niego , on reperował swój samochód Świeciło słonce i było ciepło. Siedziałem w ogrodzie i czytałem książkę. Moja mama oglądała telewizję podczas gdy tata malował mój pokój. Kiedy ich spotkałem oni czekali na autobus. Co oni robili kiedy ty pomagałeś mamie? Szedłem ulicą kiedy upadłem i złamałem nogę. Co robiłeś wczoraj o 15?
When I came to him, he was repairing his car. The sun was shineing and it was warmly. I was sitting in the garden and reading a book. My mom was watching TV, when my dad was painting my room. When I met them, they were waiting for a bus. What where they doing, when you were helping your mam? I was walking on a street, when I hit and broke my leg. What were you doing yesterday at 3 p.m. ?
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1. When I came to him, he was mending his car. 2. It was warm and the sun was shining. I was sitting in the garden and reading a book. 3. My mum was watching TV while dad was painting my room. 4. When I met them, they were waiting for the bus. 5. What were they doing when you were helping mum? 6. I was walking down the street when I fell down and broke my leg. 7. What were you doing yesterday at 3 pm?
The sun was shineing and it was warmly. I was sitting in the garden and reading a book.
My mom was watching TV, when my dad was painting my room.
When I met them, they were waiting for a bus.
What where they doing, when you were helping your mam?
I was walking on a street, when I hit and broke my leg.
What were you doing yesterday at 3 p.m. ?
2. It was warm and the sun was shining. I was sitting in the garden and reading a book.
3. My mum was watching TV while dad was painting my room.
4. When I met them, they were waiting for the bus.
5. What were they doing when you were helping mum?
6. I was walking down the street when I fell down and broke my leg.
7. What were you doing yesterday at 3 pm?