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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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PleaseLordI sawa notice of thework andit just so happensthat I'm looking for.
If theadisstill validI have a fewquestions:What are the hoursI work,what Ido inthis job, whether itis workthatare changingworking hours andwhat featuresdo I need?
I hopefor a quickand gooddecision on thejob.
I sawMr /Mrsnotice ofwork andit just so happensthat I'm looking forwork.If theannouncementonthisdateI have a fewquestions:at what timework, whichI have todoin this job,what qualitiesdo I haveto do the joband if itis to work forchange?Verypleaseanswerfast and goodworkon the merits.
Licze na Naj! Mam nadzieje ze pomoglam w tym :)