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Napisz do 240 słów po ang) Do twoich zajęć z j. angielskiego dołączyła nowa interesującą osoba i chcesz o tym opowiedzieć koledze. Napisz e-mail,w którym opiszesz wygląd i styl ubioru u tej osoby, opiszesz jej osobowość, wyjaśnisz dlaczego chcesz ją lepiej poznać, oraz poprosić o radę, czy zaprosić tę osobę do domu(wstęp,rozwinięcie i zakończenie+4 akapity)
As u may know, i have new person in my english class. Her name is Lisa, and she immediately catched my attention once i first saw her-she looked quite mysterious.
Her hair is long, straight and shiny. She has cute bangs, which look really cute with her circle shaped glasses and freckles. I noticed that she likes to dress in more likely dark outfits-black hoodie, black trousers...i also noticed her socks are usually black. I can guess by that she likes this color...
As i said, she looked mysterious for me and i wasnt wrong. I tried to have a conversation with her, but she was quiet and only responded shortly, what looked like she didnt want to talk with me. Maybe she likes to be alone? But im not giving up yet! I want to get to know her more.
I was planning on inviting her to my house, so i can get to know her better, and i could ask her how is it possible that all her outfits contains one color, but it still manages to look really good. U know that i try everything to make my outfits looks interesting, but i fail every time.
Lots of love,
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Hi Levis!
As u may know, i have new person in my english class. Her name is Lisa, and she immediately catched my attention once i first saw her-she looked quite mysterious.
Her hair is long, straight and shiny. She has cute bangs, which look really cute with her circle shaped glasses and freckles. I noticed that she likes to dress in more likely dark outfits-black hoodie, black trousers...i also noticed her socks are usually black. I can guess by that she likes this color...
As i said, she looked mysterious for me and i wasnt wrong. I tried to have a conversation with her, but she was quiet and only responded shortly, what looked like she didnt want to talk with me. Maybe she likes to be alone? But im not giving up yet! I want to get to know her more.
I was planning on inviting her to my house, so i can get to know her better, and i could ask her how is it possible that all her outfits contains one color, but it still manages to look really good. U know that i try everything to make my outfits looks interesting, but i fail every time.
Lots of love,