Speaking Test 1.
Zadanie 1 - Rozmowa z odgrywaniem roli.
W czasie studiów dzielisz mieszniae z kolega z Angili. Macie do dyspozycji jeden komputer, a twoj współlokator prawie od niego nie odchodzi. Chcesz porozmawiać z nim o tym problemie. W rozmowie z egzyminującym porusz poniższe cztery kwestie.
- twoje niezadowolenie z dotychczasowej sytuacji
-dostep do komputera w najblizszy weekend
- projekt ktory musisz wykonać
- harmonogram korzystania z komputera w przyszłośći
Jest Pan/Pani współlokatorem/współkotorką zdającego. Korzystacie ze wspolnego komputer. Proszę porozmawiac ze zdającym na temat jego zastrzeżeń dotyczących czasu spędzonego przez Pana/Panią przed komputerem. Rozmowę rozpoczyna zadający.
W zależnośći od tegoo, jak potoczy się rozmowa, proszę poruszyć wszystkie / wybrane kwestie.
1.-Prosze nie zgodzic sie z ktoryms stwierdzeniem zdajacego
2.Prosze poprosic zdajacego o dokladniejsze objasnienie jakiejs kwestii
3.Prosze nie zgodzic sie ze stwierdzeniem, ze spedza Pan/Pani zbyt duzo czasu przed komputerem.
4.Proszę poprosić zdającego, aby dokładniej wyjaśnił, do czego potrzebuje komputera.
5.Ma Pan/Pani coś do zrobienia na komputerze w nadchodzący weekend.
6.Chce Pan/Pani mieć komputer do dyspozycji wieczorami. <--- Trzeba odpowiedzieć na dane pytania.
Zadanie 2. - Opis ilustracji i odpowiedzi na trzy pytania
Pytania dla egzaminującego:
1. Why are these people dressed so formally?
2. Do you think our clothes tell others somethings about us ? Why do you think so?
3. Describe a situation when you felt that you weren't approprlately dresed.
Dołączam załącznik obrazka :) i daje maks ! za rozwiązanie wszystkiego:)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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zadanie 1.
Z-zdający, E- egzaminujący
Z: Hey, do you have a sec'?
E: Yyyy sure. What's up?
Z: I think we've got a problem here.
E: What are you talking about?
Z: Ohh...Come on! You know exactly what I'm talking about. You are always occupying our computer. Whenever I come home I see you in front of it. You never even go out. But how you spend all of your free time is none of my business. The problem is that I need an access to this computer too, you know? Maybe I've been turning a blind eye to the fact that only you are using it but that's over now. I have the same right to use it as you do and I'm going to enforce it.
E: Whoa! Take it easy man. Don't you think you're overreacting? Besides what you said is not entirely true and I certainly do not spend too much time in front of the computer. ( 1.-Prosze nie zgodzic sie z ktoryms stwierdzeniem zdajacego, 3.Prosze nie zgodzic sie ze stwierdzeniem, ze spedza Pan/Pani zbyt duzo czasu przed komputerem. Dwa punkty za jednym zamachem, nie jestem pewna czy tak mozna, ale chyba ujdzie ;p). But, if you really see it that way than why don't you give me some further explanation of your idea of solving our little issue?( 2.Prosze poprosic zdajacego o dokladniejsze objasnienie jakiejs kwestii)
Z: I think we should determine a schedule for using computer – it would help us avoid such situations in the future.
E:Hmmm ok. But I want to have access to it in the evenings. You can have it whenever you want but I get the evenings. ( Chce Pan/Pani mieć komputer do dyspozycji wieczorami)
Z: OK, I can agree to that. There's only one thing – I need it this weekend. Whole weekend.
E: Well... that makes the two of us 'cause I need it to do some research in order to complete the task I've been assigned to at my work. (5.Ma Pan/Pani coś do zrobienia na komputerze w nadchodzący weekend.)
And you? Can you tell me what you want the computer for?(4.Proszę poprosić zdającego, aby dokładniej wyjaśnił, do czego potrzebuje komputera.)
Z: I've got VERY important project about dental implants to prepare. You have to understand I only have the time till monday to get it done.
E: Looks like we've got a stalemate. What are we going to do?
Z: Since it was you who occupied the computer all this time you should be the one to concede.
E: ... Hmmm...Ok, I won't argue. Let's do it your way. I will just go to internet cafe and you'll have the computer all to yourself this weekend.
Z: Thanks. And I'm sorry – I shouldn't have got at you like that.
E: It's ok, buddy. Truce?
Z:Truce :)
zadanie 2
opis ilustracji:
In this picture I can see two people – a woman and a man. For me it looks like they're a married couple. Both are formally dressed. The woman is wearing long green dress and what's her husband's wearing is probably a tux if I'm correct. He also has a black elegant coat on him and a white scarf. I suspect they are about to attend some kind of a celebration. Right behind them I can see a british flag which can be a sign of a national holiday of some sort. People at this photo seem to be gladsome. I think the general atmosphere of the picture is positive.
odpowiedzi na pytania:
1.Well, I think these people are dressed so formally because maybe they are about to attend a gala or a ball on the occasion of some national holiday. Now, I think it's not necessary a ball but I would definately gravitate to the second option – that the way they are dressed has something to do with national holiday. And what makes me think that is the british flag I see in the background. I don't know why but I always connote a flag with a holiday.
2.I do think that the clothes we wear can tell people something about us. There is this saying: Don't judge a book by its cover and I believe it's true. I mean, you can't judge people by the way they are dressed but what I also believe is that we kind of express ourselves through clothing so if other person is able to "read" the message you're "sending" than I think they can tell something about you before actually getting to know you.
3.Ohh I remember that one day when I felt I was really inappropriately dressed. It was two years ago - the day of the beginning of the school year. The forecasts said it was going to be warm and sunny day but it turned out to be just the opposite. It was so cold and I didn't knew what to wear so I came up with an idea that I will go dressed as usual and then I will change when I get to school because on days like that you have to wear a full dress. So, when I finally got to school I realised I forgot to take proper shoes. I had no choice but to wear elegant clothes along with sports shoes. I felt so embarrassed. People were looking at me like I was a freak. And teachers kept throwing me disapproval looks. I will never forget that situation.
W sumie nie jestem pewna czy wszystko jest poprawnie, ale mam nadzieję, że jest w porządku ;) (oprócz tego, że niektóre wypowiedzi w dialogu czy tez odpowiedzi na pytania w 2 zad. mogą wydawać się dosyć dziwne, ale naprawdę nie miałam innych pomysłów ;p)