Pani kazała opisać zwierzątko po angielsku np.: dzikie . Ja wybrałam żyrafę .
Opiszcie mi ją np.: gdzie występuje albo jak wygląda .
Tylko nie tak bardzo , bardzo dużo . Tak na jedną kartkę A4 . To ma być project (prodżekt) , więc na ocenę . Bardzo proszę nie z neta , ani z tłumacza bo zgłaszam . Trudne zadanie , więc dużo punktów na początek . Daję naj c:
YouanDThe giraffe is quite distinctive animal with a long neck and long legs.
It is a mammal with big eyes. Circles of giraffes are much elongated, so it is difficult to confuse with any other animal. Its height can reach to most growing acacia leaves that pulls away his long black tongue. The males are better than females at 1 meter. Giraffe usually sleeps standing up, no more than 20 minutes a day, at very short intervals of 3 to 4 minutes. Rarely is put on the ground .. They live about 25 years in the wild and 30 years in captivity. pregnancy lasts from 420 to 450 days. It has only one young at the time of birth falls from a height of 2 meters, as a mother gives birth to standing. Newborn at birth is about two meters high and after 20 minutes, get up on your feet. The giraffe is a protected species, threatened with extinction. The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth.
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It is a mammal with big eyes. Circles of giraffes are much elongated, so it is difficult to confuse with any other animal. Its height can reach to most growing acacia leaves that pulls away his long black tongue. The males are better than females at 1 meter. Giraffe usually sleeps standing up, no more than 20 minutes a day, at very short intervals of 3 to 4 minutes. Rarely is put on the ground .. They live about 25 years in the wild and 30 years in captivity. pregnancy lasts from 420 to 450 days. It has only one young at the time of birth falls from a height of 2 meters, as a mother gives birth to standing. Newborn at birth is about two meters high and after 20 minutes, get up on your feet. The giraffe is a protected species, threatened with extinction. The giraffe is the tallest animal on earth.
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