-pada saat liburan kemaren saya dan keluarga saya pergi ke pantai wisata kuliner, di sana banyak turis-turis yang berdatangan untuk merasakan makanan khas kalimantan selatan - pantai yang sangat indah, pasir nan halus, laut nan biru membuat matahari tak terasa panas -tetapi, kami harus mengakhiri kesenangan ini karena kami harus pulang sorenya.
-at the time vacation yesterday my family and i went to the beach, where many culinary tourist flocked to tasted typical foods of south kalimantan -A beautiful beach,fine sand ,blue sea makes the sun cannot warm -but, we had to end this fun because we got to go home evening
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Last holiday, me and my family went to foods beach festival. there were many tourists who wanted to taste kinds of traditional foods from south borneo. the beach which was so beautiful along with soft sand and the blue sea made me forgot the heat of the sun. sadly, we had to end the fun because we had to go home in the evening
-A beautiful beach,fine sand ,blue sea makes the sun cannot warm
-but, we had to end this fun because we got to go home evening
the beach which was so beautiful along with soft sand and the blue sea made me forgot the heat of the sun. sadly, we had to end the fun because we had to go home in the evening