Pada hari yang cerah truk es krim adalah makanan dingin yang lezat di musim panas. Anak-anak menyukai es krim disaat mereka bermain sepeda. Dari jauh, anak kecil berteriak “es krim” tapi sang truk es krim tidak berhenti. Anak-anak pergi untuk membeli truk es krim yang tidak terlalu jauh dari lokasi nya. Ada seorang gadis dari beberapa teman-temannya tidak bisa menaiki sepeda dan terjatuh. Disitu hadir 3 boneka kuning yang menghampiri gadis tersebut. Saat terjatuh gadis berkata “sepeda payah” lalu 2 boneka kuning menghajar sepeda bodo dan 1 nya melihat gadis itu bersedih karena dia tidak bisa bermain bersama teman-temannya. Para boneka kuning berdiskusi untuk membuat sepedanya jauh lebih keren. Para Boneka kuning mulai mempersiapkan langkah langkah membuat sepeda canggih. Sketsa telah jadi dan para boneka setuju untuk membuatnya persis seperti yang digambarkan. Supaya bisa mengendarain sepeda gadis itu harus berlatih apa yang di perintahkan oleh boneka kuning dan boneka kuning menjadi pengbimbingnya. Boneka yang lain membuat sepeda dari tahap awal sampai akhir. Akhirnya, sepeda selesai dibuat dan gadis kecil itu sangat senang sekali saat melihat sepedanya sudah selesai. Gadis kecil itu bermain dengan sepeda barunya bersama teman-temannya. Teman-temannya itu terkejut melihat sepeda gadis tersebut dan diantara mereka mengucapkan “Hebat”. Betapa senangnya gadis kecil ini dan memberikannya kiss kepada para boneka. Seperti biasa hari yang sangat cerah, truk es krim berkeliling dan bertemu gadis kecil itu. Gadis kecil itu berkata “serasa hampir menikmatinya” tiba-tiba muncul seorang penjahat membawa perhiasan didalam kantongnya dan mencuri truk es krim yang lagi berhenti. Pemilik truk es krim tersebut sangat marah sekali lalu gadi kecil ingin sekali mendapatkan es krim itu dan gadis itu mengejar truk tersebut dengan kecepatan tinggi. Dalam kecepatan tinggi gadis itu menerobos masuk kerumah orang. Saat keluar dari jendela gadis pun terjatuh, knalpot sepeda itu lepas 1 dan terbang menabrak roda belakang truknya. Gadis melompat saat sepeda nya menabrak truk es krim dan gadis kecil pun selamat karena menggunakan parasut. Hujan es krim berjatuhan dan akhirnya Penjahat pun tertangkap, gadis kecil itu senang melihat es krim nya jatuh didepan matanya. Para boneka kuning memakai perhiasan dengan gaya yang keren. Gadis itu telah kehilangan sepedanya tapi tetap sepeda lamanya dipake lagi. Terdengar suara es krim, gadis kecil itu berubah sepedanya menjadi robot saat menekan tombol. Gadis ini terbang untuk membasmi penjahat dan teman-temannya terkejut lagi.
tolong terjemahkan ke bahasa inggris ?
The kid shouting "ice cream" but the ice cream truck did not stop. The kids went to buy an ice cream truck that is not too far away from his location. There was a girl from some of his friends could not ride a bike and fell. There comes 3 dolls yellow approached the girl. The girl fell says "bikes jaded" then 2 yellow dolls stupid bike and beat up one of her seeing her sad because she could not play with her friends.
The yellow dolls discussion to make the bike much more cool. The yellow Dolls began preparing the steps to create a sophisticated bike. The sketch has been finished and the doll agreed to make it exactly as pictured. To be able to ride his bicycle the girl had to practice what is instructed by the dolls and stuffed yellow to yellow be teachers. Another doll that makes the bike from the beginning to the end. Finally, the bike is ready and the little girl was very happy when her saw the bike is complete.
The little girl was playing with his new bike with his friends. His friends were shocked to see the girl's bike and them say "great". How glad the little girl and gave a kiss to the doll. As usual a very sunny day, an ice cream truck around and meet the little girl. The little girl said, "seemed to almost enjoy it" suddenly appeared a criminal bring jewelry in his pocket and stole the ice cream truck again stopped. The owner of the ice cream truck last very angry little girl wanted to get ice cream and the girl chasing the truck at high speed. In girl's high speed bursts in the home. When the girl out of the window also fell, the bike exhaust off first and fly right into the rear wheel of his truck. She jumped when his bike crashed into an ice cream truck and the little girl was saved because of the using of parachutes. Rain falling ice cream and finally Criminals were caught, the little girl was happy to see his ice cream fell in front of his eyes. The yellow doll wearing jewelry with a cool style. The girl had lost her bike but still using his old bike again. The sound of the ice cream, The little girl turned her bike into a robot when pressing the buttons. This girl flew to eradicate criminals and his friends were surprised again.
The yellow dolls discussion to make the bike much more cool. The yellow Dolls began preparing the steps to create a sophisticated bike. The sketch has been finished and the doll agreed to make it exactly as pictured. To be able to ride his bicycle the girl had to practice what is instructed by the dolls and stuffed yellow to yellow be teachers. Another doll that makes the bike from the beginning to the end. Finally, the bike is ready and the little girl was very happy when her saw the bike is complete.
The little girl was playing with his new bike with his friends. His friends were shocked to see the girl's bike and them say "great". How glad the little girl and gave a kiss to the doll. As usual a very sunny day, an ice cream truck around and meet the little girl. The little girl said, "seemed to almost enjoy it" suddenly appeared a criminal bring jewelry in his pocket and stole the ice cream truck again stopped. The owner of the ice cream truck last very angry little girl wanted to get ice cream and the girl chasing the truck at high speed. In girl's high speed bursts in the home. When the girl out of the window also fell, the bike exhaust off first and fly right into the rear wheel of his truck. She jumped when his bike crashed into an ice cream truck and the little girl was saved because of the using of parachutes. Rain falling ice cream and finally Criminals were caught, the little girl was happy to see his ice cream fell in front of his eyes. The yellow doll wearing jewelry with a cool style. The girl had lost her bike but still using his old bike again. The sound of the ice cream, The little girl turned her bike into a robot when pressing the buttons. This girl flew to eradicate criminals and his friends were surprised again.