1. Wstaw zwroty, tłumacząc je na język angielski.
The children were playing in the garden when (zaczęło) ... to rain.
Max (uczył się) ... when he fell asleep.
(W chwili, gdy wychodziła z) ... the house, there was a clap of thunder.
While the band was playing, (zdecydowałem) ... to go home.
They (czuli pragnienie), ... so they bought a drink.
I had a headache, so I (wziąłem) ... an aspirin.
The students were working hard when the teacher (wszedł) ... into the room.
I (szedłem) ... to the bus stop when three buses went past me.
2. Zakreśl właściwą formę.
You ought / should try to relax more because stress can make you ill.
Everybody should / ought to eat a healthy diet.
If you need to talk to a doctor outside those hours, you should / ought call the emergency number.
If you have an accident, you ought to / ought not to go the accident and emergency departament.
You should / ought always listen to the doctor's advice.
3. Uzupełnij drugie zdanie tak, aby miało to samo znaczenie, co zdanie pierwsze.
If I were you, I'd go to the doctor's.
You ... to the doctor's.
I think it would be a good idea if you took up running.
I think you ... running.
Why don't you stop working so late?
Maybe you ought ... working so late.
The best idea is to have an x - ray.
You ... an x - ray.
Dziękuję :)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1. it started
2. were teaching
3.now, when she left
4. I decided
5. feel the decire
6. took
8. went
1. should
2. ought
3. should
1. should go
2. should took up
3. stop ???
4.should have
KONIEC :) dzięki!