2. DOM . Proszę odpowiedzieć w 3,4 zdaniach :) po angielsku oczywiście
1. What household chores do you usually do at home? Jakie prace domowe zwykle wykonujesz w domu?
2. Would you like to live in the city or in the country? Why? Chciałbyś mieszkać w mieście czy na wsi? Dlaczego?
3. What would you like to change in your room and why? Co chciałbyś zmienić w swoim pokoju i dlaczego?
4. What kind of flatmate would you like to share a flat with? Z jakim współlokatorem chciałbyś dzielić mieszkanie?
5. Would you like to live abroad? Why? Why not? Chciałbyś mieszkać za granicą? Dlaczego? Dlaczego nie?
6. Is your home important to you? Why? Czy dom jest dla ciebie ważny? Dlaczego?
7. Is it important where your house is situated? Why? Czy to jest ważne, gdzie twój dom jest położony? Dlaczego?
8. What house would you like to live in, in the future? Wjakim domu chciałbyś mieszkać w przyszłości?
9. Should every person in the family have their own room? Why? Why not?
Czy każda osoba w rodzinie powinna mieć swój własny pokój? Dlaczego? Dlaczego nie?
10. Would you like to live in a big city? Why? Why not? Chciałbyś mieszkać w dużym mieście? Dlaczego? Dlaczego nie?
11. Would you like to have a big cgarden next to your house? Why? Why not? Chciałbyś mieć duży ogród obok twojego domu?
12. Would you ever like to emigrate from Poland? Why? Czy chciałbyś kiedykolwiek wyemigrować z Polski?
13. Is your home your „castle”? Why? Why not? Czy twój dom jest twoim zamkiem?
14. Why do some people move from the city to the countryside? Dlaczego niektórzy ludzie przeprowadzają się z miasta na wieś?
15. What do your like about your neighbourhood? Co ci się podoba w twoim sąsiedztwie/ otoczeniu?
16.What’s your room like? Jak wygląda twój pokój?
It resembles a library and interior of a warehouse.
17. What’s your neighbourhood like? Jak wygląda twoje sąsiedztwo/ otoczenie?
18. What’s your idea of a perfect flat or house? Jaki jest twój pomysł na idealne mieszkanie albo dom?
19. Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside when you’re older?
Wolałbyś miszkać w mieście czy na wsi, kiedy będziesz starszy?
20. What’s your house or flat like? Jak wygląda twój dom czy mieszkanie?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. Would you like to live in the city or in the country? Why?I would live in the city. I like being able to go anywhere I want. In the city, it is also easier to go out with friends for example to the cinema.
3. What would you like to change in your room and why? I would like to have a big armchair in my bedroom. I would sit all day in it and read books in my spare time. It would be a great way to relax.
4. What kind of flatmate would you like to share a flat with?I would like to share a flat with a person who I know well. I'd be sure that this person won't destroy anything and will help me with housework. We'd also have fun in the evenings while talking or watching some series together.
5. Would you like to live abroad? Why? Why not? I wouldn't like to live abroad. I like the country I live in. I also have all my family and friends here and I'd miss them if I lived abroad.
6. Is your home important to you? Why? My home is very important for me. It is a place where I relax. I also feel safe at my home. There is no place like home.
7. Is it important where your house is situated? Why?It is important where my house is situated. It is better if my house is not far from the city centre and it is easy to travel to school from my house. The neighbourhood is also essential. Living in a peaceful and green area is my dream.
8. What house would you like to live in, in the future? I would like to live in a detached house in the future. I would be able to have a garden near the house. There is also more privacy in a detached house.
9. Should every person in the family have their own room? Why? Why not?In my opinion, every teenager in the family should have their own room because they need more privacy and don't like sharing their life with others. When it comes to children, I think that there is no need to guarantee separate rooms for them. They would enjoy being able to play together with their siblings in one room and it will be less stressful for them to sleep with another person in a dark room.
10. Would you like to live in a big city? Why? Why not? I'd like to live in a big city. It is easier to get a job there. There are also many different places where you can go to relax and spend your spare time with friends.
11. Would you like to have a big garden next to your house? I'd like to have a big garden next to my house. I like gardening because it makes me feel relaxed. Eating fruits and vegetables from your own garden is also healthier and more satisfying.
12. Would you ever like to emigrate from Poland? Why? I wouldn't like to emigrate from Poland. I like living here. I feel that here is my home and I won't feel well anywhere else in the world.
13. Is your home your „castle”? Why? Why not?Yes, my home is my "castle". My home is a very important place for me. I always like being here and spending my time at home.
14. Why do some people move from the city to the countryside? In my opinion, some people move from the city to the countryside because they are fed up with the noise and the pace of living in a big city. They want to be close to nature. The families are also able to spend more time together while living in a countryside.
15. What do you like about your neighbourhood?I like my neighbourhood. It is green and peaceful and these are the main reasons why I like it so much. There also live my friends and people I know so I always feel well here.
16. What’s your room like? My room is big and spacious. It is painted in yellow. There is a big bed and a desk in my room. There is also a computer and a sofa.
17. What’s your neighbourhood like? My neighbourhood looks like a typical neighbourhood. There are many houses there. It is green and big.
18. What’s your idea of a perfect flat or house?There are many ways to make a flat or a house ideal. Nonetheless, I think that there is nothing like a perfect flat or house. I believe that the people make the atmosphere, not the interior.
19. Would you prefer to live in the city or in the countryside when you’re older?I would like to live in a city. There is an easier access to many things and this is essential when you are older. There are also many places where you can go to kill the time.
20. What’s your house or flat like?My flat is quite big. It is cosy and makes people feel relaxed. You can easily see many toys which belong to my dog because he loves playing around the house.