"Okno znajduje się naprzeciwko drzwi. Łóżko jest po lewej stronie pokoju. Biórko jest po prawej stronie pokoju obok półek. Na środku pokoju jest dywan. Na ścianie wiszą dwa obrazy. Przy prawej ścianie znajduje się lapma."
Bardzo prosze o napisanie go po Ang. ! : ] Z góry dziękujee. :*
The window is located opposite the door. Bed is on the left side of the room. Desk is on the right side of the room next to the shelves. In the middle of the room is carpet. On the wall hang two paintings. At right is a wall lamp.
Proszę ;) I licze na naj ;)
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The window is found opposite the door. The bed is on the left of room. The desk is on the right-hand side of room by shelves. There is a carpet in the middle of the room. Two images are hanging on the wall. By the right wall a lamp is found. "
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The window is located opposite the door. Bed is on the left side of the room. Table is on the right side of the room next to the shelves. In the middle of the room is carpet. On the wall hang two paintings. Near right wall is a lamp.
Proszę ;) I licze na naj ;)