Ostatnio oglądałaś program telewizyjny na temat znanej osoby ze show biznesu . napisz list do kolegi z anglii w którym: - napiszesz o kim był program i dlaczego ona jest sławna - o czym było w tym programie i zachęcić żeby ta druga osoba przedstawiła kogoś znanego około 120 słłów
Dear friend recently seen in the TV show Kim Kardashian . It has gained fame thanks to the program Keeping Up with the Kardashians . She is the daughter of a prominent attorney . It has many siblings three brothers and four sisters . She is a model has already 34 years old. Kim Kardashian was born in Los Angeles. As known to the whole world model gets a lot of suggestions for photo sessions . I think that it is interesting and no attention person.
recently seen in the TV show Kim Kardashian . It has gained fame thanks to the program Keeping Up with the Kardashians . She is the daughter of a prominent attorney . It has many siblings three brothers and four sisters . She is a model has already 34 years old. Kim Kardashian was born in Los Angeles. As known to the whole world model gets a lot of suggestions for photo sessions . I think that it is interesting and no attention person.