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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi , Thomas
How are you? I hope, that you're fine. I don't fell very well because I have had some problems recently.
My friends Nina and Mike have argued. I've been witness of this situation and athe beginning I didn't know what I should do. They argued because Mike had forgotten that they have relation anniversary. Tina was fuorius. She shouted and cried. I was confused and embarrased. Mike didn't tell anything. I stepped into the action. I told Tina that Mike have had a lot of work recently and she should be more lenient because she didn't work and earn money. She understood this, apologized us and come to term Mike. For the thank they invited me for support. We were in italian restaurant. It was nice evening.
Please, call me because I haven't hear you for ages.