ostatni raz już piszę :*
znowu na pół strony potrzebuję gdzieś około , nawet więcej.
How important is sport in your life? what sports do you do? where and how often do you do it? do you need any equipment to do it? why do you enjpy it? do you wish you were better at it?
i proszę nie piszcie odpowiedzi tylko na te pytania , napiszcie jakiś krótki wstęp o sporcie i dopiero odpowiedzi . ale tak ładnie :) dzięki za pomoc :*
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Sport is all kind of physical activity. There are many types of sport. You need some special equipment ot one of them or some special abilities to another. Sport is very important in my life. It helps me to be fit and to be in a good shape. My favourite sport is swimming.
I swim as often as I can. In the summer I swim every day. In other seasons I'm swimming in swimming pool in our city/ (lub nazwa miasta). I need any secial equipment. I just have to have swimming suit and a bathing cap. I love it because it gives me freedom and hapiness. I don't wish to be better. I don't do it for prizes or medals. I do it for myself and for my own pride.