Osdpowiedz na pytanie dotyczące kanady. Pytania są podane w j. polskim i angielskim.
1. Kto jest McLachlin Beverley?
2. Jakie wydarzenie w historii Kanady jest związane z:Rabbit Creek, Chilcoot Pass, George Washington Carmack? Kiedy na początku turnieju?
3. Kim są "Mounties"? Jakiego koloru jednolitego nie noszą i jakie jest ich tradycyjnych środków transportu? Kiedy zostali powstał i, z których dwie organizacje?
4. Kto ma pojęcie "First Nations"odnoszą się do?
5. Kim są Sumi, Quatchi i Miga? Opisz je krótko.
6. Nazwa pięciu krajów, które nie potrzebują wizy, aby przebywaćKanada.
7. Jakie było pochodzenie etniczne Louis Riel's? Nazwa dwa ważne wydarzenia w historii Kanada że brał udział w
8. Kto to dwa Man Booker Nagrody Nobla z Kanada? Podaj trzy tytuły powieści przez każdego pisarza. Jakie są powieści o?
9. Wymień pięć kanadyjskich autorów science fiction i fantasy.Podaj trzy tytuły powieści pisane przez każdego autora. Jakie sąpowieści o?
23. Who is Beverley McLachlin?
24. Which event in the history of Canada are the following connected with: Rabbit Creek, Chilcoot Pass, George Washington Carmack? When did the event start?
25. Who are "Mounties"? What colour uniform do they wear and what is their traditional means of transport? When were they formed and out of which two organizations?
26. Who does the term "First Nations" refer to?
27. Who are Sumi, Quatchi and Miga? Describe them briefly.
28. Name five countries that do not need a Visa to visit Canada.
29. What was Louis Riel's ethnic origin? Name two important events in the history of Canada that he was involved in.
30. Who are the two Man Booker Prize winners from Canada? Give three titles of novels by each writer. What are the novels about?
31. Name five Canadian authors of science fiction and fantasy. Give three titles of novels written by each author. What are the novels about?
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1.Beverley McLachlin is the first woman to hold this position. She also serves as a Deputy of the Governor General of Canada.
3.Literally ‘Royal Gendarmerie of Canada’; colloquially known as Mounties, and internally as ‘The Force’
The RCMP was formed in 1920 by the merger of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police (RNWMP, founded 1873) with the Dominion Police (founded 1868). The former was originally named the North-West Mounted Police (NWMP), and was given the Royal prefix by King Edward VII in 1904.
The two most populous provinces, Ontario and Quebec, maintain their own provincial forces; the Ontario Provincial Police and Sûreté du Québec.
The RCMP are famous for their distinctive Red Serge, referred to as "Review Order" (of dress uniform), consisting of: high collared scarlet tunic, midnight blue breeches with yellow leg strip, Sam Browne belt with shoulder cross strap and white sidearm lanyard, oxblood riding boots (possibly with spurs), brown Stetson hat (wide, flat brimmed) and brown gloves (with brown leather gauntlets for riders).Initially the NWMP wore buff breeches. Later dark blue breeches with yellow-gold strapping (stripes) were adopted. Members of the NWMP were known to exchange kit with U.S. cavalry units along the border and it is suggested that this was the initial source for the breeches; however, blue breeches were considered early on, although with a white strap. Dark blue with yellow-gold strapping is another British cavalry tradition.
4.First Nations is a term of ethnicity that refers to the Aboriginal peoples in Canada who are neither Inuit nor Métis.
5.The mascots for the 2010 Winter Olympics and the 2010 Winter Paralympics were Miga and Quatchi, and Sumi respectively, who had a "sidekick", Mukmuk. The four mascots were introduced on November 27, 2007
Miga - A mythical sea bear, part orca and part kermode bear living off the coast of Vancouver Island. She loves to surf in the summer, especially in Tofino, and snowboard in the winter. Her green scarf was given to her by Mukmuk. Quatchi - A sasquatch. He comes from the mysterious forests of Canada, wears blue earmuffs, and dreams of being a hockey goalie. He loves to travel and learn about the regional dances and cuisines of every place he visits. He carries his camera around his neck wherever he goes. Sumi - An animal guardian spirit with the wings of the Thunderbird and legs of a black bear who wears an orca-like hat in an artistic style of Haida people. He lives in the mountains of British Columbia and is a passionate environmentalist. His name comes from the Salish word "sumesh," meaning "guardian spirit." Mukmuk - A Vancouver Island marmot described as "small and friendly", Mukmuk is not an official mascot but acts as their sidekick. As of December 2008 he has joined the other mascots as a plush toy, but not yet a life-size mascot costume. His name comes from the Chinuk Wawa word "muckamuck," meaning "food" or "to eat", because of his large appetite.6.Niemcy, Norwegia, Portugalia, Słowacja, Słowenia, Wielka Brytania
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