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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1 Przyklad
As you probably know my sister has her birthday next week. I'm writing to tell you about my idea.
My sister is out for the weekend and she's going back on Monday. I think it's the best time for the surprise party. I would like you to come to our house at 4 p.m. and my sister wil be there an hour later. I think an hour is enough to prepare everything. I'll take care of the cake and I know Tony and Mike will take some snack and drinks. I need someone to help me with decoration. I'd be glad if you all come because it's going to be a great fun.
take care.
2 Przyklad
Hey I'm Amanda's sister wanted me to organize a surprise for my little sister so I invite you tomorrow for me to help organize and plan a seventeenth birthday will be held December from thirty toten o'clock. I have an idea if we had a cake baked in Troy and the rest held balloons, drinks and snacks. I can arrange decoration and cutlery and glassware and place will be invited so cool!