August 2023 2 20 Report
ayuda o me matan T-T
Positive Steps to Wellbeing Be kind to yourself Exercise regularly Our cuture, genes, refigion, Being active helps kft our mood reduces stress and anaiety, mpreves physical health, and apuas vonenpa Butuugan Sexuality, beliefs, and Me experiences make us nho we are We all have bad days. ABua aou sn sa Be kind to yourseif. Encourage Get outside, preferably in a grew space er near water. rather than oiticise yourseif. Treat yoursef the way you would treat a frend in the same stuation. Fnd an activity you enjoy doing, and just do a. Take up a hobby and/or learn a new skill Have some fun and/or be creative Having fun or being creative hetps us feel better and increases our Increase your confidence and interest, meet others, er prepare for finding work confidence. noA dolus Help others Relax Make time for yourself. Allow yourself to chil out and rela. Find something that suits you diferent hings work for diferent Get involved with a community project, charity work, or smply help MOu noA auoaos yo people noA ano Bunyaag se ga yo Bun uos Bunp anoge aag aa nod dyau Breathe magine a baloon in your belly. inating and deflating as you breathe in and out yoursel. Balance sleep Eat healthily Get into a heaithy sieep routne - Eat regularty, eat breakfast, eat hearthy, eat truit and vegetatles, dr water. anduding going te bed and gotting Aep uea um ue n e dn Connect with others Beware drink and drugs ve Ae u on u A Pue enta a spu Avoid using alconol ter men-prescribed freqvent contact with them Apveg ada not day (n See the biger picture we all ge different meanings to We tend to ight aganst ne y tunns pue em feelings, but we can learn to just pont of view. Broaden ut your pue unoa funsap aso apsue pue anadsad struggle ei dn a6 pue a pacture (the helcopter wiw Some stuations we ust cant change We can Surf those waves rather than by to stop the 1 tn ue buue ge pno do p nd they will pass. and vo u Pue une o ay How important is , or w t be in a vears time? What can I de nght row that wa ep mos

3 Which person A, B or C, might say:

1 I was in a job interview and I fell asleep.□

2 I never sleep for the whole night.□

3 Sometimes the neighbors hear me.□

4 I want to sleep at unusual times.□​

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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