Opiszcie Zamek Na Wawelu (Lub za granicą byle gdzie...proszę) po Angielsku zastosujcie formę:
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Wawel Castle-the royal residenceof anancient, locatedon Wawel Hillin Krakow,with an area of7,040m²castlewasexpandedseveral timesover the centuriesandrenewed.Numerousfires,lootingandmarches offoreign troops, combinedwith the destruction ofthe residence,causingthatobjectrepeatedlyrebuiltin thenewarchitectural styles,andrepairedhisouterrobe, andtransformedandchangedappearance,and interior design
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It's very old but beautifful castle in Krakow. There are a lot of amazing paintings and gobelins. Unfortuneetly, there's any rollercosters, but there is a large garden. There's a lot of old buildings on Wawel, too. I think it one of the best buildings in the word.