Opisz życie nastolatków w Polsce najlepiej po angielsku w trzech podpunktach: 1.*życie rodzinne 2.*czas szkolny 3.*czas wolny bardzo prosze aby to nie było za krótkie, bo mam zrobić z tego prezentacje bardzo pilne ;* za jaką kolwiek pomoc bardzo dziękuje<3 potrzebna pilnie na teraz ;d +daje naj.
Teenagres in Poland are not very differend than teenagers in for example in England. Sometimes they argue with their parents, they don't listen to them, but deep in heart they love their families. There are school where they have to wear uniforms, but in all schools, so they can wear what they want. In free time teenagers go to cinema, mall, or go to the parties. Life of teenager seems simple but it's not. The also have a lot of problems not only in school but sometimes with their friends or families.