Opisz wybrana osobe ze swojej rodzimy( po angielsku). Mój brat- Emil, mądry, ma 19 lat, w tym roku pisze mature lubi piłe nożna i ping ponga. ma ciemne włosy, jest wysoki. zawsze pomaga. ma wielu przyjaciół ( można coś jeszce dodać i tak ładniej to sformułować ) dziękuję
My brother, Emil, is a very wise man. He is 19 years old and this year he is having an exam, called in polish "matura". He likes playing football and table tennis. His hair is dark and he is tall. You can always rely on him if there are any problems because he is willing to help and that's why he has a lot of friends.
He likes playing football and table tennis. His hair is dark and he is tall. You can always rely on him if there are any problems because he is willing to help and that's why he has a lot of friends.