Opisz wybraną bitwę (może być pod Grunwaldem) po angielsku, ale żeby nie było to jakoś skąplikowanie napise :) na poziomie gimnazialisty.
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Po Angieslku :
The Battle of Grunwald (in German literature, the first battle of Tannenberg) - one of the greatest battles in the history of medieval Europe (in terms of number of participants) [3], fought on the fields of Grunwald, July 15, 1410, during the great warbetween the forces of the Teutonic Order aided by Western knights (mainly from the Czech Republic, with many principalities in Silesia, of Western Pomerania and the other principalities of the Reich), under the command of the Grand Master Ulrich vonJungingen, and the combined Polish and Lithuanian forces (mainly the complex ofPoles, Lithuanians and Ruthenians) supported tributary both of these countries (Hospodarstwo Moldovan Principality Punjab, the Principality of Płock, the Principality of Belz, Podolia and Lithuanian fief Rus) and mercenaries from Bohemia, Moravia and Silesia, and the principalities of refugees from the Golden Horde andprivate flags (including the banner of the Prince of Novgorod Lingwena Semen),under the command of the Polish king Wladyslaw II Jagiello.
This battle ended in victory for the Polish-Lithuanian army and rout the forces of the Teutonic Knights, however, was not used for the complete destruction of the Order.
Po Polsku :
Bitwa pod Grunwaldem (w literaturze niemieckiej pierwsza bitwa pod Tannenbergiem) – jedna z największych bitew w historii średniowiecznej Europy (pod względem liczby uczestników)[3], stoczona na polach pod Grunwaldem 15 lipca 1410, w czasie trwania wielkiej wojny, między siłami zakonu krzyżackiego wspomaganego przez rycerstwo zachodnioeuropejskie (głównie z Czech, z wielu państewek na Śląsku, z Pomorza Zachodniego i z pozostałych państewek Rzeszy), pod dowództwem wielkiego mistrza Ulricha von Jungingena, a połączonymi siłami polskimi i litewskimi (złożonymi głównie z Polaków, Litwinów i Rusinów) wspieranymi lennikami obu tych krajów (Hospodarstwo Mołdawskie, Księstwo Mazowieckie, Księstwo Płockie, Księstwo Bełskie, Podole i litewskie lenna na Rusi) oraz najemnikami z Czech, Moraw i z państewek ze Śląska oraz uciekinierami ze Złotej Ordy i chorągwiami prywatnymi (między innymi chorągiew z Nowogrodu Wielkiego księcia Lingwena Semena), pod dowództwem króla Polski Władysława II Jagiełły.
Bitwa ta zakończyła się zwycięstwem wojsk polsko-litewskich i pogromem sił krzyżackich, nie została jednak wykorzystana dla całkowitego zniszczenia zakonu.
At the beginning of the thirteenth century, the princes of Wladyslaw Odonic, Konrad of Mazovia, Mściwoja and Gdansk [5], Leszek the White and Henry the Bearded led action in areas christianising pagan Prussia. The campaign ran missionary abbot of the Cistercian Order and the order of knights Łeknie brothers Dobrzyn, appointed for that purpose by the Duke Conrad. These actions - like the Christian bishop of shares based on the foundation dobrowską - but did not bring the expected results. In this situation, in 1226 Duke Konrad of Mazovia invited, at the instigation of Hedwig, the Teutonic Knights their lands, giving him a lease of the Chelmno, where the law was a convenient base for fighting the Prussian tribes that threatened the continued invasions of northern Mazovia rubieżom [6] . Roman Emperor Frederick II and Pope Gregory IX, the law formally allowed the principality to create their own areas received Prussia. Formally, the Duchy was to become part of the Roman Empire and at the same time a fief of the dukes of Mazovia. In addition to the subsequent arrival of German colonists brothers and [7], the law was supported by the Pope - an expedition against the Prussians gained the rank of the Crusades, which were also attended by Polish princes. In 1235 the brothers joined the Knights dobrzyńscy [8], and Livonian Order 1237 signed with them the political-military alliance, which is actually the union of these two orders. In the thirteenth century Polish-Teutonic relations were good, but the fourteenth century - with an increase in the power of the law - has brought change. Being king of Polish, Czech Wenceslaus II of Brandenburg signed an agreement under which he was cast Pomerania in exchange for the New March. Finally, the conversion was not due to the death of the king, but in 1308, Brandenburg decided to use the weakness of the state took Ladislaus the Short and Pomerania [9]. Prince was forced to seek the Teutonic Knights, who drove the invaders. With your help, however, demanded a high-paid, in excess of the value reflected lands. Against refusal to pay by Ladislaus seized the whole Pomerania in 1309. Weakened at that time Poland, still divided into districts, was unable to resist the aggression immediately, resulting in the loss of these lands for many years. In 1320 years was king Władysław I the Short, who won the process of the Teutonic Knights against the papal court in Inowrocław. Judgement of 1321 he instructed them to return Gdańsk Pomerania Poland, but the law, despite the Polish diplomatic actions and judgments of papal, did not intend to return these lands [10]. In 1331 there was a danger to the conclusion of the Polish alliance with the Teutonic Knights of John of Luxembourg. The latter, based on the joint action near Kalisz, invaded the country from the north. The Short decided to attack some of their forces. 27 September 1331 year, there was a clash of Plowce in Kujawy. The battle has not been clearly resolved, but the Polish side has achieved its goal - the Teutonic campaign on Polish soil was interrupted. But now April 9, 1332 the Order again invaded Poland, seizing Kujawa and Dobrzyn. April 25, 1333 on the Polish throne sat the previous king's son, Kazimierz. Proved to be the ruler of moving very quickly in the world of diplomacy. In 1335 I led the Congress of Visegrad, where the price of 20 000 kop groschen Prague [11] and the recognition of sovereignty over Silesia John of Luxembourg, King of Bohemia renounced all claims to the Polish crown [12]. This meant the final strikeout Czech-Teutonic alliance. In addition, an attempt to settle the matter lost by Poland lands - but because the results did not satisfy the Polish king, he decided to donate the case in the papal court. Judgement of September 16, 1339 ordered the return of Kujawy, Dobrzyn and Gdańsk Pomerania. This was the second win by the Polish party process, but the Knights again not willing to give the seized land. Meanwhile, the prince of Rus died Halych Boleslaw George II, who before his death did his successor Kazimierz, which has brought Polish foreign policy challenge. The king had to make a choice, because Poland was not then strong enough to take the fight on two fronts. Casimir the Great decided that a better asset to the Crown would obtain a Russian duchy land, so the dispute with the Order had to be calm. Under these conditions occurred in 1343 to make peace in Kalisz, which was provided by a truce, and Poland regained Kujawa and Dobrzyn. Besides, Casimir the Great preserved the title of ruler of Gdansk Pomerania, which in future could give rise to potential claims from the Polish side [13]. In 1397 the lands of the Order was founded to defend the interests of the organization with the local population against the Teutonic oppression: Association of vipers. Initially, its range included only the Chelmno, but over time grew into and became the basis for the next structure: the Prussian Union [14]. Another crisis in relations occurred in 1401, shortly after the conclusion of the Polish Kingdom and Grand Duchy of Lithuania union wileńsko-Radom. The younger brother of King Wladyslaw Jagiello, Swidrygiello, opponent of Polish-Lithuanian headed the revolt against Witold. Also decided to seek support from the Teutonic Knights, who were interested in weakening of Lithuania - but again failed to prevent war and 1404 years the parties have concluded Raciążu room, where he also presented Witold Polish demands concerning matters of lost lands. Poland bought Dobrzyn. Meanwhile, back problems and Drezdenko Santok, when in 1402 the Teutonic Order bought the New March. Subjugation of the towns by the state led to a hardening of religious positions on issues of Polish-Lithuanian Teutonic Knights. When the great master was a supporter of confrontational policy towards Polish, Ulrich von Jungingen, the outbreak of war has become a matter of time [15].