Warsaw is a city in central Poland, since 1596, the Polish capital, and important academic, cultural, political and economic. The seat of state authorities, diplomatic missions of other countries, organizations across the country. Frequently visited by tourists including Old Town and New Town, the Royal Route, running from the Royal Castle, the Krakow suburb, the New World, and Al. Ujazdowskie towards Wilanów historic cemetery - Powązki. Throughout the year the city hosting the event to spice up even the shortest stay in the capital, such as fairs, concerts, exhibitions. The turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century (exact date not known) is the time location City on the rights of Chelmno and can be considered closed and wczesnodziejowego prehistoric stage of history in Warsaw. When in the year 1321 is mentioned for the first time Castellan of Warsaw, the city was the site of today's Old Town.==========WARSZaWA jest miastem w centralnej Polsce, od 1596 r. stolicą Polski, a także ważnym ośrodkiem naukowym, kulturalnym, politycznym oraz gospodarczym.
Krakówliesin the Malopolska province.Is the formerPolish capital.It is nowthe capital of thevoivodship.The cityveryextensive andbeautiful.It is oneof the oldestPolish citiesof more thana thousand yearsof history,with manyvaluablearchitectural objects.It alsorunsa number of institutionsandcultural institutionsthat collectpricelessmonuments.In Krakow'smainoffices, among others:the Polish Academy ofSciences,NationalScience Centre, the EuropeanCollege of Surgeons.Krakowmonumentsinclude:Cloth Hall,St. Mary'sChurch, Wawel.ToKrakowtodayvisited by touristsfrom differentparts of the worldand admirethebeautifulcity.
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korzstalam z : zesztu , ksiazki, rozmowek,wikipedi,slownika gramatycznego,slownika
Warsaw is a city in central Poland, since 1596, the Polish capital, and important academic, cultural, political and economic. The seat of state authorities, diplomatic missions of other countries, organizations across the country. Frequently visited by tourists including Old Town and New Town, the Royal Route, running from the Royal Castle, the Krakow suburb, the New World, and Al. Ujazdowskie towards Wilanów historic cemetery - Powązki. Throughout the year the city hosting the event to spice up even the shortest stay in the capital, such as fairs, concerts, exhibitions. The turn of the thirteenth and fourteenth century (exact date not known) is the time location City on the rights of Chelmno and can be considered closed and wczesnodziejowego prehistoric stage of history in Warsaw. When in the year 1321 is mentioned for the first time Castellan of Warsaw, the city was the site of today's Old Town.==========WARSZaWA jest miastem w centralnej Polsce, od 1596 r. stolicą Polski, a także ważnym ośrodkiem naukowym, kulturalnym, politycznym oraz gospodarczym.
Krakówliesin the Malopolska province.Is the formerPolish capital.It is nowthe capital of thevoivodship.The cityveryextensive andbeautiful.It is oneof the oldestPolish citiesof more thana thousand yearsof history,with manyvaluablearchitectural objects.It alsorunsa number of institutionsandcultural institutionsthat collectpricelessmonuments.In Krakow'smainoffices, among others:the Polish Academy ofSciences,NationalScience Centre, the EuropeanCollege of Surgeons.Krakowmonumentsinclude:Cloth Hall,St. Mary'sChurch, Wawel.ToKrakowtodayvisited by touristsfrom differentparts of the worldand admirethebeautifulcity.
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korzstalam z : zesztu , ksiazki, rozmowek,wikipedi,slownika gramatycznego,slownika