Participants are invited tojointthe formation offourshoeswithbowsthat oneplayerusesonly theright handand oneleft-handed.Shoesmust betiedŚcisłomust betwobows.The game ison time.Scoringas above.6thPen.Belton a stringis attachedpen.Uczestnucyteamdoing a taskin turn.At the signalas soon as possibleto set upthe bar,so that thepenon a stringhungfreelyin the back.On the groundsetis a bottle.Usingthepenpółprzysiadyenterinto the bottle(it musthide inthebottle)If thefirst person todo the jobforwardnextbar, etc.
Participants are invited tojointthe formation offourshoeswithbowsthat oneplayerusesonly theright handand oneleft-handed.Shoesmust betiedŚcisłomust betwobows.The game ison time.Scoringas above.6thPen.Belton a stringis attachedpen.Uczestnucyteamdoing a taskin turn.At the signalas soon as possibleto set upthe bar,so that thepenon a stringhungfreelyin the back.On the groundsetis a bottle.Usingthepenpółprzysiadyenterinto the bottle(it musthide inthebottle)If thefirst person todo the jobforwardnextbar, etc.