Opisz uroczystosc napisz gdzie i kiedy miała miejsce co to za uroczystosc ile było osob jakies smieszne zdarzenie past continious przy uzyciu słów nagle lub podczas gsy np... nagle zgasło swiatło i cos tam... napisz jak czuli sie ludzie ze np byli zdezorientowani czuli sie napisz jak zareagowali jaki był koniec błagam to na jutro
Last week I had birthday party. Party was in my home. I invited all my friend from the class. At the beginning was boring but then it was cool. Everybody were in good moods and spent a nice time. When everyone danced suddenly got dark. All began to shout and Monika fainted with fright.Boys light repaired and the girls woke MonikA. Everyone is very afraid for her but fortunately she woke Proved that monika very afraid of the dark. Then they were all scared, and nobody wanted to have fun. But Janek suggested having fun in a bottle where everyone will be next to each other and will not be afraid. party ended late night and I'm sure that everyone will be long remembered my birthday.
All began to shout and Monika fainted with fright.Boys light repaired and the girls woke MonikA. Everyone is very afraid for her but fortunately she woke
Proved that monika very afraid of the dark. Then they were all scared, and nobody wanted to have fun. But Janek suggested having fun in a bottle where everyone will be next to each other and will not be afraid. party ended late night and I'm sure that everyone will be long remembered my birthday.