Opisz uroczystość związaną z obchodami święta państwowego. po angielsku. może być np. 11 listopada
Every year, on November 11 we celebrate Independence Day. Date of transmission of Joseph Pilsudski Regency Council authority over the army is subordinate to the symbolic beginning of the existence of the Second Republic. Photo AKPASymbolicznym because systemic boundaries and base of the young Polish state was finally formed in 1921.
- For a resurgent Polish work, many people often representing different views and ideological orientations - pointed out during the annual celebration of Independence Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, President Lech Kaczynski.
Throughout the country, being the commemoration of the events of 88 years, commemorating the effort, dedication and commitment to the independence of many Poles.
Listen as the ceremony proceeded in Pilsudski Square in Warsaw.
With the organization of official ceremonies including Włoszakowice abandoned in the. The town organized a parade, where we can meet the Marshal Pilsudski and other historical figures associated with the city and region.
According to the mayor Włoszakowice, Stanislaw Waligóra, Independence Day is a time of joyous and colorful and colorful commemoration of November 11, are much more attractive for residents.
Words Waligóra mayor seems to confirm holiday atmosphere in Gdansk, where the fourth time the Independence Day Parade was held. Dantzig Włoszakowice as residents could see a procession of historical figures connected with Polish history. Traveled the streets of Gdansk historic vehicles and horse teams, and willing to admire prepared by the passionate history of performance - "Knights of the Expulsion of Danzig."
Yushchenko wants Poles to harmony and peace
Reconciliation, peace and development - takieżyczenia sent to the Poles and President Lech Kaczynski zokazji Independence Day by Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
- With active support from the Polish Ukraine sukcesemrealizuje consistent policy of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration - we read today in the disclosure list.
Yushchenko stressed that - Poland, which at one time held a complicated political and economic reform (...), is authoritative and stable partner of Ukraine.
Ukrainian President also expressed his belief that the Polish-Ukrainian strategic partnership (...) is the guarantee of development of both nations through economic and social progress.
Miałem to na angliku . mam nadeję że ok ;]
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W Wielkiej Brytanii 11 listopada to dzień upamiętniający zakończenie pierwszej wojny światowej, ale przede wszystkim ludzi, którzy podczas niej zginęli. Wspomina się również poległych w drugiej wojnie światowej i innych konfliktach. To dzień refleksji i pamięci o tych, którzy poświęcili swoje życie. Główne uroczystości odbywają się w niedzielę. Ludzie na znak szacunku i pamięci przypinają do ubrań sztucznego czerwonego maka. Zbierane są darowizny na pomoc chorym weteranom i ich rodzinom. W ramach obchodów organizowane są przemarsze byłych żołnierzy.
Równo o godzinie jedenastej, każdego 11 listopada następują dwie minuty ciszy w całym kraju. Stają wszystkie środki transportu. Koniec ciszy i rocznicę zakończenia pierwszej wojny światowej oznajmia wycie syren. W każdym mieście czy wiosce znajdują się pomniki pamięci poległych pod którymi składane są wieńce przystrojone makami.Podpis z wieńca dla polskich żołnierzy.
Niestety nie wszyscy szanują ludzi, którzy poświęcili życie za wolność. Kilka dni temu - pisała o tym brytyjska prasa - miał miejsce trywialny incydent. Angielski pijany student wracając do akademika nasikał na pomnik Poległych Żołnierzy, a na domiar złego kolega pstryknął mu zdjęcie. Obydwaj panowie zostali złapani przez policję i ukarani.
In the UK, November 11 is the day commemorating the end of World War I, but above all the people who died during it. He mentions also killed in the Second World War and other conflicts. It is a day of reflection and remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives. The main celebrations are held on a Sunday. People as a sign of respect and remembrance for clothes pin plastic red flour. Collects donations to help sick veterans and their families. The celebrations are organized marches of former troops.
Exactly at eleven o'clock, every November 11 followed by two minutes of silence across the country. They become all modes. End of silence and the first anniversary of the end of World War announces sirens. In each town or village, there are monuments in memory of the dead which are made from garlands adorned makami.Podpis wreath for Polish soldiers.
Unfortunately, not all respect the people who sacrificed their lives for freedom. A few days ago - wrote of the British press - was a trivial incident. English drunk students returning to dorm nasikał the Fallen Soldiers' Monument, and to make matters worse a friend snapped his photo. Both men have been caught by the police and punished.
Photo AKPASymbolicznym because systemic boundaries and base of the young Polish state was finally formed in 1921.
- For a resurgent Polish work, many people often representing different views and ideological orientations - pointed out during the annual celebration of Independence Day at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier in Warsaw, President Lech Kaczynski.
Throughout the country, being the commemoration of the events of 88 years, commemorating the effort, dedication and commitment to the independence of many Poles.
Listen as the ceremony proceeded in Pilsudski Square in Warsaw.
With the organization of official ceremonies including Włoszakowice abandoned in the. The town organized a parade, where we can meet the Marshal Pilsudski and other historical figures associated with the city and region.
According to the mayor Włoszakowice, Stanislaw Waligóra, Independence Day is a time of joyous and colorful and colorful commemoration of November 11, are much more attractive for residents.
Words Waligóra mayor seems to confirm holiday atmosphere in Gdansk, where the fourth time the Independence Day Parade was held. Dantzig Włoszakowice as residents could see a procession of historical figures connected with Polish history. Traveled the streets of Gdansk historic vehicles and horse teams, and willing to admire prepared by the passionate history of performance - "Knights of the Expulsion of Danzig."
Yushchenko wants Poles to harmony and peace
Reconciliation, peace and development - takieżyczenia sent to the Poles and President Lech Kaczynski zokazji Independence Day by Ukrainian President Viktor Yushchenko.
- With active support from the Polish Ukraine sukcesemrealizuje consistent policy of the European and Euro-Atlantic integration - we read today in the disclosure list.
Yushchenko stressed that - Poland, which at one time held a complicated political and economic reform (...), is authoritative and stable partner of Ukraine.
Ukrainian President also expressed his belief that the Polish-Ukrainian strategic partnership (...) is the guarantee of development of both nations through economic and social progress.
Miałem to na angliku . mam nadeję że ok ;]
Równo o godzinie jedenastej, każdego 11 listopada następują dwie minuty ciszy w całym kraju. Stają wszystkie środki transportu. Koniec ciszy i rocznicę zakończenia pierwszej wojny światowej oznajmia wycie syren. W każdym mieście czy wiosce znajdują się pomniki pamięci poległych pod którymi składane są wieńce przystrojone makami.Podpis z wieńca dla polskich żołnierzy.
Niestety nie wszyscy szanują ludzi, którzy poświęcili życie za wolność. Kilka dni temu - pisała o tym brytyjska prasa - miał miejsce trywialny incydent. Angielski pijany student wracając do akademika nasikał na pomnik Poległych Żołnierzy, a na domiar złego kolega pstryknął mu zdjęcie. Obydwaj panowie zostali złapani przez policję i ukarani.
In the UK, November 11 is the day commemorating the end of World War I, but above all the people who died during it. He mentions also killed in the Second World War and other conflicts. It is a day of reflection and remembrance of those who sacrificed their lives. The main celebrations are held on a Sunday. People as a sign of respect and remembrance for clothes pin plastic red flour. Collects donations to help sick veterans and their families. The celebrations are organized marches of former troops.
Exactly at eleven o'clock, every November 11 followed by two minutes of silence across the country. They become all modes. End of silence and the first anniversary of the end of World War announces sirens. In each town or village, there are monuments in memory of the dead which are made from garlands adorned makami.Podpis wreath for Polish soldiers.
Unfortunately, not all respect the people who sacrificed their lives for freedom. A few days ago - wrote of the British press - was a trivial incident. English drunk students returning to dorm nasikał the Fallen Soldiers' Monument, and to make matters worse a friend snapped his photo. Both men have been caught by the police and punished.