Opisz swoje wakacje. (W czasie Past Simple)
*miejsce pobytu (Polska- swój dom i Wladysławowo)
*Formy spędzonego czasu (Pływanie, granie na komputerze, Jeźdżenie na BMX itp.)
*Pzygody (zabawne zdarzenie) jakie doświadczyłeś. (Połamałem BMX, Pływanie)
!!!minimum 100 słów!!!
Pomóżcie :D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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no to tak :))))
It was so crazy holidays. All the holidays i was in the house in my city Władysławowo. Together with my familly and my friends, we ware plaing a lot of funny games. In my free time i always went on swimming pool, becouse i love swimming. Ofcourse i lost my expensive time, becouse i plaid computer games. It was really stupid to do it in holliday and i know now about it. At the beginning of holidays i bought new bike BMX. When i rode on this bike i learned this better. I wanted to try better my skill and my bike suffered. I think my holidays wasn't the best in my life but with my familly it wasn't to bad. MAM NADZIEJE ZE SIE PRZYDA. JESLI POROBILEM JAKIES BLEDY CZY COS TO PRZEPRASZAM