Opisz swoje NAJGORSZE wakacje odpowiadając na pytania : Where did you go ? Who did you go with ? Where did you stay ? How long did you stay there ? Whad did you do there ? What was the food like ? What was the weather like ? Why were these your worst holiday ever, Give two reasons. Historia nie musi być długa ponieważ mam odpowiedzieć na te pytania ustnie przed tablicą i nie mam pomysłu na ten temat.... Wh
I was in Turkey with my parents and my sister. We stayed in a big but ugly hotel. We spent there 2 weeks. I was swimming in dirty pools and in the sea. Only sea was good there. The food was disgusting. The weather was good. It was hot and sunny. These were my the worst holidays because I was in ugly and not nice hotel. It was very boring there.