Opisz swoje miasto po angielsku zaczynająć od słów
I live ............
There are lots of good things about living in .................................................................................................................
However ..................................................................................................................
I think ....................................................................................................................
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My town is called [nazwa miasta]. It is small, it has got [ile ok. osob mieszka w twoim miescie] people. There isn't much traffic and noise so people often go for walks around the town.
In [nazwa miasta] there are a lot of interesting places. There is a cinema [jesli nie ma u cb kina to zastap czyms to slowo] and a theatre[jak nie ma teatru to tez zamien slowo lub je usun]. We have got a sports centre, tennis courts and a few football pitches[to znaczy orlik] too. In Oleśnica there are a lot of shops. There are nine big supermarkets and many small food shops, clothes shops, bookshops and florists. Children go to five primary schools[podstawowka], three junior high schools[gimnazjum] and three high schools[liceum][zmien liczby szkol]. After school pupils go to parks and playgrounds.
In the centre there is the town hall, old churches and beautiful old buildings. There are restaurants, hotels and fast food places. There aren't many car parks.
pozmieniaj slowa ktore nie pasuja do twojego miasta itp. usun te nawiasy co napisalam ci obok slow ;)
ja za to zadanie dostalam 6