Opisz swój pokój po angielsku. Jedna strona a-4. Napewno wybiorę najlepszą odpowiedź. Krótsze odpowiedźi będą uznawane za błędne . Proszę o szybką pomoc.
My ruhm is blue in the bed table, two chairs and a desk for a computer desk. my room is input to the balcony. I have a very nice color blue carpet in my room szawce naa homikiem a cage with a hamster I have called Jola because I have a female in a room two windows and one dark blue curtains. I like to have a blue bed linens in my room or living very słodziudki kitten named Kitka. I am stuck on the ceiling of stars and the lights are lit at night to highlight the glow. szawce is the place for the phone in my upper szawce books to school in the very bottom of clothing. I like to stay in my room because it is large and care that it was always clean and smelled nice. I also like very color of the room because blue is my favorite color. My room is about 20m przestrzenny.Ma (kwadratowych.Znajduje in the south of the apartment. The windows in the room is large. Room is well illuminated. This is a nice bunk bed in it, wardrobe, two armchairs, coffee table, TV and some shelves. The shelves is a lot of flowers. The entrance to the room has the northern side. To the left of the window is a desk with a computer. Right at the entrance stands a bed, the room is painted yellow. pokojuz the inside there is plenty of free space. On the floor lies clearly dywan.moim think brown is very comfortable and I'm happy with it. My room is rather big. The walls are orange, but the window and the door are brown. There is a big window in front of door. There are blue curtains in the window. Under the window there is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There is a lamp on it. Opposite the desk there are a music system. I have got a lot of CD's, but I do not have any favorite. There is a blue carpet on the floor (in the curtains are some color). In the middle of the room there is table. Next to the table there is a bad. In front of the table there is a bookcase and a wardrobe. They are black and gray. The table is also black and the desk is brown. Besides I have not got a TV in my room. I like my room very much.
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Mam duzy pokój. jedna scianę mam ciemniejszą od całej reszty , bardzo ładnie sie to komponuje.Mam wykładzine i duże okno które daję dużo naturalnego światła zasłona jej w kolorze fiolteowym natomiast firanka jest w jednym kolorze bez żadbych wozrów.Mój pokój jest udekorowany nowocześnie.Bardzo lubię zieleń dlatego mam jeden ale przepiekny biały kwiat postawiony przy telewizorze .Moja psaja jest fotografia totez mam 3 obrazy które bardzo lubię.Mebla mam z drewna nie chciałabym zmieniać mebli gdyż pasują do ogólnego wystorju wnętrza.Bardzo w moim pokoju cenię sobię koncik gdzie mogę się zrelaksować i pobyć sama , oderwac się od codziennego trybu życia który często jest męczący.Lubię zapraszac do niego swoich kolegów i koleżanek.Często robie imprezy z przeróżneych okazji które zawsze kończą się sukcesem.Lubię swój pokój i nie chciałabym w nim nic zmieniać.
I have a large room. I have one wall darker than the rest, this is very nicely composed.I have carpet and a large window to give plenty of natural light veil of violet and the curtain is in one color with no designs.My room is decorated modern.I like grenness but because I have a beautiful white flower placed near a TV.My pasion is make a foto and i have 3 big picture which i very like.I have furniture made of wood would not want to change the furniture because it fit into the overall interior design. in my room I appreciate the corner where I can relax and be alone, away from everyday life which is often tiring.I like to invite to my room my friends. Sometimes I am doing a party with all sorts of opportunities that always ends sucsesfull.I like my room and I would not change anything in it.
1 votes Thanks 1
My room is very big. The walls are blue but the window and the door are brown. Under the window is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There are computer and lamp on it. There is a red carpet on the floor. In the middle of the room there is armchair. Next to the armchair is bed. Opposite the bed is a bookcase and a wordrobe. I like my room very much.
My room is rather big. The walls are orange, but the window and the door are brown. There is a big window in front of door. There are blue curtains in the window. Under the window there is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There is a lamp on it. Opposite the desk there are a music system. I have got a lot of CD's, but I do not have any favorite. There is a blue carpet on the floor (in the curtains are some color). In the middle of the room there is table. Next to the table there is a bad. In front of the table there is a bookcase and a wardrobe. They are black and gray. The table is also black and the desk is brown. Besides I have not got a TV in my room. I like my room very much.
I have a large room. I have one wall darker than the rest, this is very nicely composed.I have carpet and a large window to give plenty of natural light veil of violet and the curtain is in one color with no designs.My room is decorated modern.I like grenness but because I have a beautiful white flower placed near a TV.My pasion is make a foto and i have 3 big picture which i very like.I have furniture made of wood would not want to change the furniture because it fit into the overall interior design. in my room I appreciate the corner where I can relax and be alone, away from everyday life which is often tiring.I like to invite to my room my friends. Sometimes I am doing a party with all sorts of opportunities that always ends sucsesfull.I like my room and I would not change anything in it.
Under the window is a radiator. The desk is next to the window. There are computer and lamp on it. There is a red carpet on the floor. In the middle of the room there is armchair. Next to the armchair is bed. Opposite the bed is a bookcase and a wordrobe. I like my room very much.