opisz swój pokój, a więc tak: mój pokój jest zielony, na przeciwko wejścia jest okno, pod nim biurko. Nad biurkiem są półki z książkami, a Na biurku stoi komputer. Na lewo od drzwi stoi łóżko a obok stolik nocny. na środku pokoju leży dywan.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Myroom isgreen,opposite theentranceisa windowintothedesk.Above thedeskareshelveswith books. On the deskiscomputer.On theleft of thedoorthere is a bedand thenextnight table.In themiddle of theroomiscarpet.
My room is green. Opposite the door is the window, under it there's a desk. Over the desk there are shelfes with books. On the desk there's my computer. On the left from door there's bed and next to it there's nightstand. In the middle of the room there is a carpet.