Opisz swoją najbardziej żenującą sytuacje w Twoim życiu. Napisz kiedy to się wydarzyło, gdzie, kto był wtedy z Tobą, co się wydarzyło, jak się wtedy czułeś.
Several years ago I worked in the industry, which required a lot of trips and contacts with companies. In one office, which had several times a month to visit, she worked cute brunette with blue eyes. Whenever there said he would drop the other blue-eyed smelled perfume. After some time, going to that office ever guessed with great accuracy the type of perfume, then quickly gained great acceptance. One day I came in fairly good mood for that office brunette looked deep into my eyes and feeling though that this time they are not high-end perfumes, began to familiar brand share, which slightly resembled the smell of the office. After a few seconds of shooting, brunette reaching rumińcem the color cocacoli said \ "this time you are mistaken ... odświerzacz air .... \ \ \" I leave to think about a nice PT readers of what was used. Zaproponuj lepsze tłumaczenie
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