Cerber - In grece mythology it was a three-headed dog who defend an entrance to the world of dead.
Pegaz - In grece mythology it was horse with pair of wings. He belonged to Hercules.
Centaurs - In grece mythology it was a half-man, half-horse. It was a mythic creature with a different structure of the body. Upper part of body was similar to the human, but the lower was like a body of horse.
Cerber - In grece mythology it was a three-headed dog who defend an entrance to the world of dead.
Pegaz - In grece mythology it was horse with pair of wings. He belonged to Hercules.
Centaurs - In grece mythology it was a half-man, half-horse. It was a mythic creature with a different structure of the body. Upper part of body was similar to the human, but the lower was like a body of horse.