Opisz poniższy obrazek: (załącznik) względem tych zdań:
1. The photo shows [who?]
2. They are [where?]
3. They are [doing what?]
I jeśli bylibyście tacy dobrzy:
1. What do you think the people are saying?
2. Would you buy any of the things in the photo?
3. Tell me about the last time you went shopping for
something special?
Na te pytania potrzebuję odpowiedź na ok. 5 zdań!
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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The photo showes two older people. They are in the antique shop. They are watching interesting things and talking.
I thing that they're talking about one of the exhibits.
I would to buy one of the pictures because they will match to my room.
I was in the shopping centre yesterday and I bought beautiful small sculpture which showes an angel.
Mam nadzieję, że pomogłam ;)