Giraffe is an animal which the most often can be found in Africa or in a zoo. It is large and heavy. It has a long neck and a small head. On the head it has ears sticking out from the both sides of it and two small horns. Its eyes are large and black. The colour of giraffe is cream with brown spots. Giraffe lives mainly on grass and the leaves of trees and bushes, in which helps its impressing height
Żyrafa (Giraffa camelopardalis) – parzystokopytny ssak roślinożerny oraz najwyższe z żyjących obecnie zwierząt. Zamieszkuje afrykańskie sawanny na południe od Sahary. Jest spokrewniona z jeleniami i bydłem rogatym, jednak należy do osobnej rodziny żyrafowatych (Giraffidae), razem z najbliższym krewniakiem okapi.
Giraffe is an animal which the most often can be found in Africa or in a zoo. It is large and heavy. It has a long neck and a small head. On the head it has ears sticking out from the both sides of it and two small horns. Its eyes are large and black. The colour of giraffe is cream with brown spots. Giraffe lives mainly on grass and the leaves of trees and bushes, in which helps its impressing height
Giraffe(Giraffacamelopardalis)-parzystokopytnyherbivorousmammal, andthe highest ofanimalslivingtoday.Living inthe Africansavannahsouth ofthe Sahara.Is relatedtodeerandlonghorncattle,however,belongs toa separatefamilyżyrafowatych(Giraffidae),togetherwith thenearestrelative ofthe okapi.
Żyrafa (Giraffa camelopardalis) – parzystokopytny ssak roślinożerny oraz najwyższe z żyjących obecnie zwierząt. Zamieszkuje afrykańskie sawanny na południe od Sahary. Jest spokrewniona z jeleniami i bydłem rogatym, jednak należy do osobnej rodziny żyrafowatych (Giraffidae), razem z najbliższym krewniakiem okapi.