Koala(Phascolarctoscinereus) -a speciesofmarsupialfamilykoalowatych,arborealherbivorousanimal,living ineastern Australia.Koaladescendsto earthjustto goto the nexttree.He livesalone or in smallgroups consisting ofmaleand severalfemales.It is the onlylivingrepresentative of thekindrecentlyPhascolarctos.
Apetkoalabearwithgrayfur.Hisearsarein the midst ofa littlewhite.It has awhitebellytekże.Interestinglykoalapregnancylasts from25-35days.Youngare bornblindandhairless,weighing less than1 g,thengrows upin a bagfor about6 months. I think that thekoalabearis a nicepet.I methimcloserKidy(I)reallyinterested me.If it werepossiblehe wanted to(a)thatIjusthadmy homekoalafavorite.
Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) - a species of marsupial family koalowatych, arborealherbivorous animal, living in eastern Australia. Koala descends to earth just to go to the nexttree. He lives alone or in small groups consisting of male and several females. It is the onlyliving representative of the kind recently Phascolarctos.
miś koala - koala bear
A pet koala bear with gray fur. His ears are in the midst of a little white. It has a whitebelly tekże. Interestingly koala pregnancy lasts from 25-35 days. Young are born blindand hairless, weighing less than 1 g, then grows up in a bag for about 6 months.
I think that the koala bear is a nice pet. I met him closer Kidy (I) really interested me. If it were possible he wanted to (a) that I just had my home koala favorite.
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