Feast of all children around the world. In Poland and other Baltic countries (eg Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia) is celebrated on June 1 since 1952. Its initiator was the organization called The International Union for Protection of Childhood, whose aim was to ensure the safety of children around the world. Not all countries in the world feast day is celebrated on the same day. UN celebrates its Children's Day on November 20 in the anniversary of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, in 1959 and the Convention on the Rights of the Child of 1989. The French equivalent of the Children's Day is a family feast, celebrated Jan. 6. Japanese boys celebrate on May 5, a girl on March 3. May 5, the day the boy in front of their houses fly the Japanese paper made from carp (called Koinobori or Satsuki-Nobori). These carp symbolize parents - father is black carp, the mother of red - blue carp symbolizes his son, the number of karpii blue indicates the number of male descendants in the family! Strength of current flowing into the carp is associated with boys.