October 2018 1 25 Report

Opisz dzień Alaina Pepina na podstawie tekstu :
A real-life person
You could say that Alain Papin leads a double life. In the morning he works in a surveying office, doing clerical work, but in the afternoons and at weekends he does something much more exciting - he is an underwater stuntman. In this week's article he teels us what a typical summer day in his life is like. What time do you get up ?
A typical summer day for me starts around 7 am. I have breakfast and ride my bike to work. I start work at 8 am. I spend all morning in front of my computer working until launchtime.
What do you do after work ?
Well, I leave the office at 1 pm and have lunch. If the weather is fine, I pack my equipment and set off to the location of the stunt. When I get there, I set up the equipment and get into the water. This is when the fun starts. I move about in and under the water in a wetsuit and helmet performing tricks. It's quite tiring though, because each stunt is different and takes a different length of time. A photo shoot usually takes a long time to complete because everrything has to be perfect.
What do you when you are not diving ?
I enjou going water - skiing, kayaking and snorkelling, I spend most of my spare time, however, planning, practising, and training for my stunts.
How do you like working underwater ?
I love it. It can be a bit boring in the winter, though, when the weathers is cold. It is difficult to get a swimming pool all to myself so I can practise. But when I'm diving, I really enjoy it. Every time I come home after work, I feel full of energy and I have a great sense of achievement.

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