For a start,the accent isa keycultural differencethateffectscommunication.When there isa strongaccentinvolvedsomewords areincomprehendableto the other side, soimportantinformation is leftunnoticed.Also,cultural differences,such as differentways of lifein different culturesmay have a negativeimpact oncommunication.In places such asthe Westmake fun ofeach otheris acceptable,butin places such asSoutheast America,an older manis to haverespect andwhenculturescollidedifferences maybe takennegatively.In addition, insome places,spacelordis in the "home"in the western worldis reversed,and the womentakeleadership roles.When peoplefrom such places, as we seethatit canmake them feelas ifthey areevenlesspeoplehave thefeminine form of theworkfor them.In addition,the Internet isconsidered to bea negativeaspect of dailylifein places likethe West, wherethe opposite is true, peoplefrom such placesasmaymiscommunicatemessage that allthe people whoemploythe Internet are"bad",the same applies tothe use ofmobile phonesandunmarriedmale and femaleinteraction.
For a start,the accent isa keycultural differencethateffectscommunication.When there isa strongaccentinvolvedsomewords areincomprehendableto the other side, soimportantinformation is leftunnoticed.Also,cultural differences,such as differentways of lifein different culturesmay have a negativeimpact oncommunication.In places such asthe Westmake fun ofeach otheris acceptable,butin places such asSoutheast America,an older manis to haverespect andwhenculturescollidedifferences maybe takennegatively.In addition, insome places,spacelordis in the "home"in the western worldis reversed,and the womentakeleadership roles.When peoplefrom such places, as we seethatit canmake them feelas ifthey areevenlesspeoplehave thefeminine form of theworkfor them.In addition,the Internet isconsidered to bea negativeaspect of dailylifein places likethe West, wherethe opposite is true, peoplefrom such placesasmaymiscommunicatemessage that allthe people whoemploythe Internet are"bad",the same applies tothe use ofmobile phonesandunmarriedmale and femaleinteraction.