Opis wymyślonego wynalazku po angielsku ( wygląd, działanie w jaki sposób coś yłatwi itd. ..nie mniej niż 15 zdań ) .. z góry dzięki ;)
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I would like to write about mobile phone. It's very helpful device. It looks mostly like a small calculator but it has got many functions. You can use it for calling or sending SMSes. SMSes ( Short Message Service ) are short messages that you can send to other person who got mobile phone. It's very helpful, for example you don't need to send letters.. You can simply take your mobile phone and send a message. Mobile phones have also other functions like: calculator, adress book, alarm clock, organizer, calendar, games or even camera! You can use mobile phone to take photos or record a video. Mobile phones are very important device nowadays. I cannot imagine my life without mobile phone.