Opis wakacji po angielsku + poprosze tłumaczenie szczegóły: -pierwszy miesiac spedzony u chłopaka, odpoczynek, jeźdzenie nad jezioro, imprezy -drugi miesiac praca jako opiekunka, zabawy, gry, spacery
Te wakacje były dla mnie bardzo ekscytujące. Pierwszy miesiąc spędziłam z chłopakiem. Sporo tam odpoczywałam, jeździłam nad jezioro. Co tydzień mieliśmy też imprezy ze znajomymi. W drugim miesiącu znalazłam sobie pracę jako opiekunka. Moim zadaniem była zabawa z dziećmi, granie w gry oraz spacery z nimi. Uważam te wakacje za bardzo udane.
This holidays was very exciting for me. The first month of holidays I spent with my boyfriend. I rested with him and I usually went to lake. On the lake I played volleyball, jumped from bridge to water and sunbathed. Once a week we had party with our friends too. When I back from my boyfriend I spent time with my friends in the city and on the beach. In August I found a job. I was babysitter. I played a lot of games with children's, had fun with them and sometimes went to walk to playground. They was very happy because that. I think this holidays was very succesfull!
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jej... super to jest, ale potrzebuje dłuższego, bardziej rozbudowanego
This holidays was very exciting for me. The first month of holidays I spent with my boyfriend. I rested with him and I usually went to lake. On the lake I played volleyball, jumped from bridge to water and sunbathed. Once a week we had party with our friends too. When I back from my boyfriend I spent time with my friends in the city and on the beach. In August I found a job. I was babysitter. I played a lot of games with children's, had fun with them and sometimes went to walk to playground. They was very happy because that. I think this holidays was very succesfull!